2024年 受験申込上の注意 | JEES 日本語能力試験
Precautions when applying to take Japanese-Language Proficiency Test in 2025 | JEES Japanese Language Procifiency Test Home









(2)本協会ほんきょうかい日本語能力試験にほんごのうりょくしけんウェブサイトのトップページで、MyJLPT IDとパスワードを入力にゅうりょくしてMyJLPTにログインしてください。ログイン、「受験申込じゅけんもうしこみ」ボタンをクリックして手続てつづきをすすめてください。つぎ手続てつづきにすすんだり、まえ手続てつづきにもどったりする場合ばあいは、画面がめんした表示ひょうじされるボタンで操作そうさしてください。ブラウザの「すすむ」と「もどる」のボタンは使用しようできません。





※Microsoft excelは2003以降いこうのものを使用しようしてください。






  • 団体申込だんたいもうしこみはかならず10名以上めいいじょうをとりまとめてもうんでください。なお1回目かいめ申込もうしこみが10名以上めいいじょうであれば、追加ついかでの申込もうしこみは10名未満めいみまんでもできます。
  • 受験票じゅけんひょう合否結果通知書ごうひけっかつうちしょは、団体代表者だんたいだいひょうしゃてに申込者全員分もうしこみしゃぜんいんぶん一括いっかつして郵送ゆうそうします。
  • 本協会ほんきょうかいは、登録者本人とうろくしゃほんにんによる団体だんたいコードと団体確認だんたいかくにんキーのろうえい、違法利用いほうりようなどからしょうじた損害そんがいたいして責任せきにんいません。







した受験地区じゅけんちく1.~11.のうち、どの地区ちく受験じゅけんするかめてください。まず、えらんだ受験地区じゅけんちく地区ちく決定けっていします。つぎえらんだ受験地区内じゅけんちくないで、入力にゅうりょくした郵便番号ゆうびんばんごうもと試験会場しけんかいじょう決定けっていします。( )ないには、その地区ちくぞくする都道府県とどうふけんいてあります。





受験地区じゅけんちく1. (北海道ほっかいどう

受験地区じゅけんちく2. (青森県あおもりけん岩手県いわてけん宮城県みやぎけん秋田県あきたけん山形県やまがたけん福島県ふくしまけん

受験地区じゅけんちく3. (茨城県いばらきけん栃木県とちぎけん群馬県ぐんまけん埼玉県さいたまけん千葉県ちばけん東京都とうきょうと神奈川県かながわけん

受験地区じゅけんちく4. (新潟県にいがたけん山梨県やまなしけん長野県ながのけん

受験地区じゅけんちく5. (富山県とやまけん石川県いしかわけん福井県ふくいけん

受験地区じゅけんちく6. (岐阜県ぎふけん静岡県しずおかけん愛知県あいちけん三重県みえけん

受験地区じゅけんちく7. (滋賀県しがけん京都府きょうとふ大阪府おおさかふ兵庫県ひょうごけん奈良県ならけん和歌山県わかやまけん

受験地区じゅけんちく8. (鳥取県とっとりけん島根県しまねけん岡山県おかやまけん広島県ひろしまけん山口県やまぐちけん

受験地区じゅけんちく9. (徳島県とくしまけん香川県かがわけん愛媛県えひめけん高知県こうちけん

受験地区じゅけんちく10. (福岡県ふくおかけん佐賀県さがけん長崎県ながさきけん熊本県くまもとけん大分県おおいたけん宮崎県みやざきけん鹿児島県かごしまけん

受験地区じゅけんちく11. (沖縄県おきなわけん



















名前なまえ使つかえる記号きごう→ .(ドット)、-(ハイフン)、’(アポストロフィー)








  • 郵便番号ゆうびんばんごう住所じゅうしょただしく入力にゅうりょくしてください。郵便番号ゆうびんばんごう間違まちがえると、試験しけん会場かいじょうわります。
  • 住所じゅうしょ1」には市区町村しくちょうそんから番地ばんちまで、「住所じゅうしょ2」にはマンション・ビルめい○○様方さまかた入力にゅうりょくしてください。
  • 郵便番号ゆうびんばんごう住所じゅうしょ代理人だいりにん学校がっこう会社かいしゃのものでもいいです。代理人だいりにん場合ばあい、またはだれかと一緒いっしょんでいる場合ばあいは、住所じゅうしょ2に「○○様方さまかた」もかなら入力にゅうりょくしてください。
  • ここで入力にゅうりょくした住所じゅうしょ受験票じゅけんひょう合否結果通知書ごうひけっかつうちしょとどきます。
  • 団体申込だんたいもうしこみで試験会場決定用郵便番号しけんかいじょうけっていようゆうびんばんごう指定していしない場合ばあい団体だんたい登録郵便番号とうろくゆうびんばんごうより試験会場しけんかいじょうめます。





















(1)受験料じゅけんりょう: 7,500えん消費税しょうひぜいふくむ)





JCB    MasterCard    VISA    AMERICAN EXPRESS    Diners Club


※セキュリティコードの入力にゅうりょく必要ひつようになります。セキュリティコードとは、クレジットカードの裏面うらめん表面おもてめんいてある3 けたまたは4 けた番号ばんごうです。

※MyJLPTは「3D セキュア」(「VISA認証にんしょうサービス」(VISA)、「SecureCode」(MasterCard)、「J / Secure」(JCB))に対応たいおうしています。くわしいことはクレジットカード会社がいしゃ確認かくにんしてください。

③クレジットカードでの支払しはら手続てつづきが終了しゅうりょうした時点じてんで、受験申込じゅけんもうしこみの受付うけつけ完了かんりょうします。本協会ほんきょうかいから「受験申込じゅけんもうしこみ 手続てつづ完了かんりょうのおらせ」メールをおくりますので、内容ないよう確認かくにんしてください。




・ATMを利用りようする  くわしい説明せつめいはこちら
・インターネットバンキングを利用りようする  くわしい説明せつめいはこちら
・モバイルバンキングを利用りようする  くわしい説明せつめいはこちら









ローソン     セイコーマート
ファミリーマート       ミニストップ      デイリーヤマザキ










受験申込情報登録後 じゅけんもうしこみじょうほうとうろくごに、システムから「申込受付番号もうしこみうけつけばんごう」が発行はっこうされます。申込もうしこわせに、この番号ばんごう必要ひつようになる場合ばあいがありますので、わすれないようにしてください。











日本語能力試験にほんごのうりょくしけん 受付うけつけセンター
TEL 03-6686-2974 FAX 03-6845-2544
9:30~17:30 (にち祝日しゅくじつ年末年始ねんまつねんしのぞく)

Precautions when applying to take Japanese-Language Proficiency Test in 2025

◇Please read the following precautions before applying to take the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (hereinafter referred to as “JLPT”). If you are the group representative for a group application, please convey these details to all applicants in the group. Persons who apply to take the test are deemed to have agreed with the “Precautions when applying to take the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test”.

1. Confirming the latest information for the JLPT

When applying to take the test, before logging into MyJLPT, please check information regarding the JLPT on the JLPT website of Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (hereinafter referred to as “JEES”) or the JLPT website operated by both JEES and the Japan Foundation. In addition, after logging into MyJLPT, please check the latest information regarding the JLPT by viewing “HOME” and “Latest Test Information”.

2. Staring the application procedure

(1) Online applications are only possible during the application period. Please
check the “Test Guide” on the JEES JLPT website for the application period.
*Application by smartphone or tablet is available  (Note that block registration by group representative is excluded). Application is not available from mobile phones such as feature phones.

(2) Please enter your MyJLPT ID and password on the top page of the JEES JLPT
website to login to MyJLPT. After logging in, click on the “JLPT Application”
button and proceed with application procedures. Please use the buttons
displayed at the bottom of the screen to advance or go back in the
application process. Do not use the forward and back buttons on the

(3) Please read and agree to the “Precautions when applying to take the
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test”, “Precautions when taking the
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test” and “Handling of personal
information” before proceeding with your application.

(4) Group applications
There are two methods for group applications for groups of 10 applicants
or more, which are listed below. A combination of both methods is also
possible. Please note that in both ① and ② cases below, the group
representative must register with MyJLPT for group applications.

①Block registration by the group representative
The group representative enters the information for all applicants in the
specified registration format and pays the test fee for all applicants.
*Please use Microsoft excel after 2003.
*When inputting registration format, macros need to be enabled.
Click here to enable macros.

②Block registration by grouping individual applications
Applicants in the group register individually with the MyJLPT for individual
registration. Application information is registered by the individual but test
fee for all applicants is paid by the group representative.

* In order for an individual in ② to register application information, they will
need a Group code obtained by the group representative at the MyJLPT
“JLPT Application” screen as well as the Group confirmation key set by
the group representative. Before registering application information,
please check with the group representative to obtain the Group code and
Group confirmation key.

*For more information about group application via the Internet
→①How toregister with MyJLPT for group applications

②Block registration by the group representative
③Block registration by grouping individual applications

・Group application must be for groups of 10 or more applicants. If the first
application is made for more than 10 applicants, the additional applications
for less than 10 applicants will be allowed.
・Test vouchers and test results for all examinees in the group will be sent to the
group representative.
・JEES accepts no responsibility for any damages incurred due to leaks or illegal
use of group codes and group confirmation keys by the registered user(s).

3. Precautions when registering application information

(1) The following 17 items are registered when applying to take the test.
All information ① – ⑩ and ⑮ – ⑰ are required.

① Test Levels
Level N1 is the most difficult and Level N5 the easiest level.

② Test Areas
Please decide which test area you will be taking the test in from among
test areas A. through L. below. First, a test site corresponding to the test area you have selected will be specified.Then, within your selected test area, a test site according to your postal code will be specified. The prefectures that are included in the area are listed in the parentheses ( ).


* Please be aware that the test site different from the one you want such as one in a neighbor prefecture might be specified depending on the number of applications or other reasons.

* You may not specify prefectures or test sites within each Test Area. Even
in the same Test Area, the test sites may be different depending on the test
level or the sites condition.
* Even if you apply from the same address as for the previous test, the test
sites may not be the same as the previous test.

Test Area 1. (Hokkaido),
Test Area 2. (Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima)
Test Area 3. (Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa)
Test Area 4. (Niigata, Yamanashi, Nagano)
Test Area 5. (Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui)
Test Area 6. (Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie)
Test Area 7. (Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama)
Test Area 8. (Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi)
Test Area 9. (Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi)
Test Area 10. (Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima)
Test Area 11. (Okinawa)

* For those applicants who wish to take the test in other than the area where
they live now:
those who select 1., will take the test in Hokkaido Prefecture <Sapporo> ,
those who select 2., will take the test in Miyagi Prefecture
those who select 3., will take the test in Tokyo Metropolitan Area,
those who select 4., will take the test in Niigata Prefecture,
those who select 5., will take the test in Ishikawa Prefecture,
those who select 6.,will take the test in Aichi Prefecture,
those who select 7., will take the test in Osaka ,
those who select 8., will take the test in Okayama Prefecture,
those who select 9., will take the test in Kagawa Prefecture and
those who select 10., will take the test in Fukuoka Prefecture.


③ Photograph
There are two methods for sending a photograph of your face. You can upload
data for a photograph that you have already taken or you can use a web
camera to take a picture during your application. Choose one method for
sending a photograph. The photo must be taken within the past 6 months.
This photograph will be printed on your test voucher,
the Certificate of Japanese-Language Proficiency and the Japanese-Language,
Proficiency Test Certificate of Result and Scores.

You can not change your photograph after the end of the application period.
If the face on the photograph differs from yourself, you will not be allowed to take the test.

* The amount of your photograph size is 480×640 pixels resolution or more.
You cannot register if the size is smaller than this, and the file type must be JPEG and the file size should be up to 5 MB.

④ Name
Write your name as it is written in your passport in Roman letters
(33 letters maximum). Make sure to include the spaces, exactly as
written in your passport. For German characters, write Ä as AE,
Ö as OE, Ü as UE, and ß as SS. If your name is longer than 33
letters, you do not need to enter it as exactly the same as on your passport
and please shorten it as much as possible
(for example by omitting the middle name or writing in initials).
*Symbols available for a name → “.(dot)”, “-(hyphone)” and “‘(apostrophe)”

⑤ Country / Region
Countries / Regions are listed in alphabetical order. Select your
country / region or current nationality. If your county / region differs
from your current nationality, you may select either of them.

⑥ First Language
Languages are listed in alphabetical order. If your first language
(mother tongue) is Japanese, please contact the Application
Center before application in order to confirm whether or not you
will be able to take the test.

⑦ Sex

⑧ Date of Birth

⑨ Address
・ Be sure to enter your postal code and address correctly. If you
mistake the postal code, an inappropriate test site may be assigned.

・ For “Address 1”, please enter your address from your ward, city
or town to the block number. Please enter the apartment or building
name and in care of information in “Address 2”.

・ For the mailing address, you may use the address of a proxy, your
school, or place of employment. If using the address of a proxy or
that of someone you live with, be sure to enter his or her name in
“Adress 2”.

・ The test voucher and notice of test results will be delivered to this

・For group applications,
If the postal code to select and fix test area for you is not filled in,
the test site may be assigned according to group application postal code.

⑩ Telephone Number
Be sure to indicate a telephone number that allows contact during the day such as the number of your mobile phone number.

⑪ Fax Number
A fax number other than your home fax number is also accepted
as long as you can be contacted. (You need not write a fax number
if you do not have one.)

⑫ Company Name / School Name
It is not necessary to complete this area if you are not employed or
not enrolled as a student.

⑬ Telephone Number (Company / School)
It is not necessary to complete this area if you are not employed or
not enrolled as a student.

⑭ Fax Number (Company / School)
It is not necessary to complete this area if you are not employed or
not enrolled as a student.

⑮ Japanese Study Hours
Please select an approximate number of hours that includes class
times and studying at home.

⑯ JLPT Purpose

⑰ Occupation

(2) Changing application information
Registered information (including your photograph) can be changed
during the application acceptance period,
no changes can be made after the end of the application period,
regardless of reason. Please make sure that the “test level” and
“test area” that you have registered is correct.
However, the address to which the Test Result will be sent to can
be changed. The period during which changes can be made will
be announced after the test has been held on the MyJLPT site.

(3) Relationship between application information and information
registered with MyJLPT
Information registered to apply for the test is not reflected in the
information registered with MyJLPT. Also, be aware that changes
to information registered with MyJLPT are not reflected in the test
application information.

4. Payment of the test fee

Please read the details below before paying the test fee. If the test
fee is not paid by the specified due date, your application will be
automatically be deleted. After you have paid the fee, please make
sure that the test fee is noted as being “Paid” on the “Check and
Modify JLPT Application” screen.
For group registration using the block registration by grouping individual applications, the group representative will pay the test fee.

(1) Test fee: 7,500 yen (includes consumption tax)

(2) Payment methods
Please choose from one of the following three payment methods
for the test fee: ①Credit card (single payment), ②Bank transfer
transfer (Pay-easy) and ③Payment at a convenience store.
 * For group applications, only bank transfer is selectable.
available as a payment method. For overseas applications,
only credit card payment is available.

(3) Precautions when using credit cards

① Only the following credit cards can be used.

JCB   MasterCard  VISA  AMERICAN EXPRESS  Diners Club

② Please have your credit card ready as you will need to enter
your credit card number and other information.

* You will need to enter the security code as well. The security
code is the three or four digit numbers on the back of the credit card.
* MyJLPT is compatible with 3D Secure (VISA verification service)
(VISA), SecureCode (MasterCard) and J/Secure (JCB). Please
check with your credit card company for details.

③ Your application is complete once credit card payment procedures.
An e-mail “Notice of Application Completion” will be sent from JEES.
Please confirm the details of this e-mail.

(4) Precautions when using bank transfer (Pay-easy)

① The following payment methods are available. Please check in
advance as services differ depending on the bank.

・Using an ATM: Please see here for details
・Using Internet banking: Please see here for details
・Using mobile banking: Please see here for details

② Simply selecting payment by bank wire transfer as a payment method on
screen does not complete the application procedures. You will receive an
e-mail “Notice on Test Fee Paymet Method” from JEES. Please confirm
the “Payment number” in the e-mail and complete payment of the test fee
by the due date.
*For those who registered group application.
In case of selecting cash payment, payment number is issued for every
100,000 yen.
In case of selecting payment by cash card, payment number is issued
for every 500,000 yen.

③ The “Payment number” that is issued by the system once you have
completed application information registration is required for payment of
the test fee. Please do not lose or forget this number. This number is
also noted on the e-mail “Notice on Test Fee Payment Method”. You can
also check this number on the “Check and Modify JLPT Application”

④ Payment is due within 15 days of JLPT registration application.
However, if you register JLPT application information within 1 week
before the application deadline,
the payment is due within 8 days after the application deadline.

⑤ The cash payment must be transferred up to 100,000 yen.
As for more than 100,000 yen payment, please use other payment means
including a same cash card as the banking facility from where the test fee
is transferred.

⑥From January 17, 2022, a separate fee of 110 yen will be required for cash payment
from Japan Post Bank ATM or at the counter.
For group applications, a fee of 110 yen will be required for each “payment number”.
Click here for the Japan Post Bank website)

(5) Precautions when using convenience stores for payment

① The following convenience stores can be used.
(Convenience stores overseas are not available.)

ローソン セイコーマート
ファミリーマート   ミニストップ  デイリーヤマザキ

② Simply selecting payment at a convenience store as a payment method on
screen does not complete the application procedures. You will receive an
e-mail “Notice on Test Fee Payment Method” from JEES. Please confirm
the “Payment number” in the e-mail and complete payment of the test fee
by the due date.

③ Payment is due within 15 days of JLPT registration application.
However, if you register JLPT application information within 1 week
before the application deadline,
the payment is due within 8 days after the application deadline.

④ The “Payment number” that is issued by the system once you have
completed application information registration is required for payment of the
test fee. Please do not lose or forget this number. This number is also
noted on the e-mail “Notice on Test Fee Payment Method”. You can also
check this number on the “Check and Modify JLPT Application” screen.

⑤ Credit cards cannot be used to pay the test fee at convenience stores.

⑥ Payment methods at each of the convenience stores are as follows. Please
check in advance as payment methods differ depending on the convenience
Seico Mart
Mini Stop
Daily Yamazaki / Yamazaki Daily Store

*If you would like to issue receipts for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test examination fee,
please issue them from the MyJLPT “Issuance of receipts” screen.
Receipts can be issued for one year from the date of payment,
starting one week after the payment date (covering two tests).
*Receipts could be issued on MyJLPT for the 1st JLPT in 2024 and onwards.
Receipts for until the 2nd JLPT in 2023 could not be issued.
Please use the bank transfer receipt, receipt when payment has been completed,
credit card billing details, etc. issued at the time of payment.


5. Application acceptance number

An “Application acceptance number” will be issued by the system once
registration of application is completed. Please do not lose or forget this
number as it may be required for inquiries made after application is complete.

6. Other

(1) Information registered with MyJLPT cannot be transferred for applications

(2) To change the payment method for the test fee, please restart the test
application information procedure from the beginning.

(3) Once payment of the test fee is completed, requests for cancellations will not be accepted regardless of the reason. Once application is accepted, requests for refunds of the test fee will not be accepted regardless of the reason.

(4) Once payment of the test fee is completed, requests to transfer to upcoming tests will not be accepted.

(5) Cancellation and refunds of registrations and test fees are not possible,
even if you have mistakenly applied twice.

・If you are part of a group that has performed group registration using MyJLPT
and in addition, you have registered using MyJLPT as an individual and paid
the test fee by yourself.


If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ first. Should you continue to have questions, please contact the JLPT Application Center.

JLPT Application Center
TEL 03-6686-2974 FAX 03-6845-2544
9:30~17:30 (except Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays, year end and New Year’s holidays)
*Be aware not mistake the telephone number.
*Inquiries by e-mail are not accepted.