成績証明書発行申込上の注意 | JEES 日本語能力試験
Precautions when applying for issuance of a Certificate of Result and Scores | JEES Japanese Language Procifiency Test Home


◇「日本語にほんご能力のうりょく試験しけん 認定にんてい結果けっかおよ成績せいせきかんする証明書しょうめいしょ」(以下いか、「成績せいせき証明書しょうめいしょ」といいます。)の発行はっこう申込もうしこまえに、以下いか注意ちゅういをよくんでください。成績せいせき証明書しょうめいしょ発行はっこうもうんだかたは、この「申込上もうしこみじょう注意ちゅうい」にいてあるすべてのことに同意どういしたものとみなします。



(1)公益財団法人こうえきざいだんほうじん日本国際教育支援協会にほんこくさいしえんきょうかい以下いか、「本協会ほんきょうかい」といいます。)日本語能力試験にほんごのうりょくしけんウェブサイトのトップページでMyJLPT IDとパスワードを入力にゅうりょくしてMyJLPTにログインしてください。ログイン、「受験じゅけん結果けっか証明書しょうめいしょ発行はっこう」ボタンをクリックして手続てつづきをすすめてください。























JCB  MasterCard  VISA  AMERICAN EXPRESS  Diners Club


※セキュリティコードの入力にゅうりょく必要ひつようになります。セキュリティコードとは、クレジットカードの裏面うらめん表面おもてめんいてある3 けたまたは4 けた番号ばんごうです。

※MyJLPTは「3D セキュア」(「VISA認証にんしょうサービス」(VISA)、「SecureCode」(MasterCard)、「J / Secure」(JCB))に対応たいおうしています。くわしいことはクレジットカード会社がいしゃ確認かくにんしてください。

③クレジットカードでのはら手続てつづきが終了しゅうりょうした時点じてんは、発行はっこう申込もうしこみの受付うけつけ完了かんりょうします。本協会ほんきょうかいから「証明書発行申込しょうめいしょはっこうもうしこみ 手続てつづ完了かんりょうのおらせ」メールをおくりますので、内容ないよう確認かくにんしてください。




・ATMを利用りようする  くわしい説明せつめいはこちら
・インターネットバンキングを利用りようする  くわしい説明せつめいはこちら
・モバイルバンキングを利用りようする  くわしい説明せつめいはこちら






ローソン      セイコーマート
ファミリーマート       ミニストップ      デイリーヤマザキ
















(4)「受験じゅけん結果けっか証明書しょうめいしょ発行はっこう」の画面がめん表示ひょうじされる受験じゅけん結果けっかについてのみ、成績せいせき証明書しょうめいしょ発行はっこうもうむことができます。ちがうMyJLPT IDで受験じゅけんもうんだ試験しけんや、2011ねん以前いぜん試験しけん郵送ゆうそうもうんだ試験しけん海外かいがい受験じゅけんした試験しけん団体だんたい代表者だいひょうしゃによる一括いっかつ登録とうろく方式ほうしきもうんだ試験しけんは、結果けっか表示ひょうじされません。これらの試験しけん証明書しょうめいしょは、つぎ方法ほうほうもうんでください。

ちがうMyJLPT IDで受験じゅけんもうんだ試験しけん

  → その試験しけんもうんだときのMyJLPT IDでログインしてください。


 → 本協会ほんきょうかい日本語にほんご能力のうりょく試験しけんウェブサイトをて、郵送ゆうそう成績せいせき証明書しょうめいしょもうんでください。


 → 日本語にほんご能力のうりょく試験しけんウェブサイトて、独立どくりつ行政ぎょうせい法人ほうじん国際こくさい交流こうりゅう基金ききんまたは受験じゅけんした都市とし実施じっし機関きかんもうんでください。


 → 団体だんたい代表者だいひょうしゃ成績せいせき証明書しょうめいしょ発行はっこう申請しんせいをしてもらってください。




日本語能力試験にほんごのうりょくしけん 受付うけつけセンター
TEL 03-6686-2974 FAX 03-6845-2544
9:30~17:30 (にち祝日しゅくじつ年末年始ねんまつねんしのぞく)

Precautions when applying for issuance of a Certificate of Result and Scores

◇Before applying for an issuance of the “Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Certificate of Result and Scores” (hereinafter referred to as a “Certificate of Result and Scores”), please read the following precautions. Persons who have applied for an issuance of a Certificate of Result and Scores shall be deemed to have accepted the details of these “Precautions when applying”.

1. Starting the application procedure for the issuance of a Certificate of
Result and Scores

(1) Please login to MyJLPT by entering your MyJLPT ID and password on the top
page of the JLPT website of Japan Educational Exchanges and Services
(hereinafter referred to as “JEES”). After logging in, please click on the “Test
Result and Certificate Issuance” button and proceed with the application

(2) From the list of past test results, pick the test for which you would like a
Certificate of Result and Scores issues and then enter the number of
certificates you would like issued.

(3) Please read and agree to this “Precautions when applying for issuance of
a Certificate of Result and Scores” and the “Handling of personal information”
before applying.

(4) For Certificates of Result and Scores for examinees who took the test by
applying using the “Block registration by the group representative” method,
only the group representative can apply for an issuance of certificates.

2. Issuance fees and shipping

Please read the following details and pay the issuance fee and mailing fees (only if required). If payment is not made by the due date, the application for issuance will automatically be deleted. After payment, please make sure that the payment status is noted as being “Paid” on the “Test Result and Certificate Issuance” screen.

(1) Certificate of Result and Scores issuance fee: 1,000 yen per copy (includes consumption tax)
(2) Mailing fees

① Delivery within Japan
・If you do not require the certificate immediately, the certificate will be sent
using regular mail delivery. No mailing fee is required.
・If you require the certificate immediately, please select “Express shipping
/ Delivery-certified mail”. The mailing fee is 500 yen.

② Delivery overseas
The certificate will be sent by Express Mail Service (EMS). The mailing fee is
1,000 yen.

(3) Issuance fees and mailing fee payment methods

Please choose from one of the following three payment methods for the
issuance fees and mailing fee: ①Credit card (single payment), ②Bank wire
transfer (Pay-easy) and ③Payment at a convenience store.

However, for group applications, only bank wire transfer is available
as a payment method. For overseas applications, only credit card
payment is available.

(4) Precautions when using credit cards

① Only the following credit cards can be used.

JCB  MasterCard  VISA  AMERICAN EXPRESS  Diners Club

② Please have your credit card ready as you will need to enter your credit card
number and other information.

* You will need to enter the security code as well. The security code is the
three or four digit number on the back of the credit card.
* MyJLPT is compatible with 3D Secure (VISA verification service) (VISA),
SecureCode (MasterCard) and J/Secure (JCB). Please check with your
credit card company for details.

③ Your application for issuance is complete once credit card payment
procedures. An e-mail “Notice of Certificate Issuance Application
Completion” will be sent from JEES. Please confirm the details of
this e-mail.

(5) Precautions when using bank wire transfer (Pay-easy)

① The following payment methods are available. Please check in advance as
services differ depending on the bank.

・Using an ATM: Please see here for details
・Using Internet banking: Please see here for details
・Using mobile banking: Please see here for details

② Simply selecting payment by bank wire transfer as a payment method on
screen does not complete the issuance procedure. You will receive an
e-mail “Notice on Issuance fee payment method” from JEES. Please confirm
the “Payment number” in the e-mail and complete payment of the issuance
and mailing fees within 15 days of the date of registration of the application
for issuance.

③ The “Payment number” that is issued by the system once you have completed
issuance application information registration is required for payment of the
issuance fee. Please do not lose or forget this number. This number is also
noted on the “Notice on Issuance fee payment method”. You can also check
this number on the “Test Result and Certificate Issuance” screen.
* In case of selecting cash payment, payment number is issued for every
100,000 yen.
In case of selecting payment by cash card, payment number is issued
for every 500,000 yen.

(6) Precautions when using convenience stores for payment

① The following convenience stores can be used.
(Convenience stores overseas are not available.)

ローソン   セイコーマート
ファミリーマート   ミニストップ  デイリーヤマザキ

② Simply selecting payment at a convenience store as a payment method on
screen does not complete the issuance procedure. You will receive an
e-mail “Notice on Issuance fee payment method” from JEES. Please confirm
the “Payment number” in the e-mail and complete payment of the issuance
and mailing fees within 15 days of the date of registration of the application
for issuance.

③ The “Payment number” that is issued by the system once you have
completed issuance application information registration is required for
payment of the issuance fee. Please do not lose or forget this number. This
number is also noted on the “Notice on Issuance fee payment method”. You
can also check this number on the “Test Result and Certificate Issuance”

④ Credit cards cannot be used to pay the issuance and mailing fees at
convenience stores.

⑤ Payment methods at each of the convenience stores are as follows. Please
check in advance as payment methods differ depending on the convenience

Seico Mart
Family Mart
Mini Stop
Daily Yamazaki / Yamazaki Daily Store

(7) About the issuance of receipts for certificate issuance fee

If you would like to issue receipts, please issue them from the MyJLPT “Issuance of receipts” screen.
Receipts can be issued for one year from the date of payment, starting one week after the payment date.
*Receipts will only be issued for payment made on or after October 1, 2023.


3. Certificate issuance application acceptance number

A “Certificate issuance application acceptance number” will be issued by the system once issuance application information registration is complete. Do not lose or forget this number as you will need it for any inquiries after issuance application.


4. Other

(1) For delivery within Japan, issuance and delivery of the Certificate of Result and
Scores will take approximately one to two weeks after JEES has confirmed
payment of the issuance and mailing fees. For delivery overseas, issuance and
delivery will take approximately two weeks or more after JEES has confirmed
payment of the issuance and mailing fees.

(2) The photo of the examinee’s face that is printed on the Certificate of Result
and Scores will be the photo registered when the examinee took the test.
This photo cannot be changed regardless of reason.

(3) Please note that the information registered when applying for issuance of the
Certificate of Result and Scores will not be reflected on the information
registered with MyJLPT. In addition, changes to information registered with
MyJLPT will not be reflected on information registered when applying for
issuance of the Certificate of Result and Scores.

(4) Applications for issuance of Certificates of Result and Scores can only be
made for test results displayed on the “Test Result and Certificate Issuance”
screen. Results will not be displayed for tests applied for under a different
MyJLPT ID, for tests held before 2011, tests applied for by mail, tests taken
overseas, and tests applied for using block registration by the group
representative. For certificates for these tests, please apply using the
following procedures.

・Tests applied for using a different MyJLPT ID
→ Please login using the MyJLPT ID used to apply for that particular test.・Tests taken before 2011 and tests applied for by mail
→ Please refer to the JEES JLPT website and apply for a Certificate of
Result and Scores by mail.

・Tests taken overseas
→ Please see the JLPT website and apply to the Japan Foundation or
the local host institution.

・Tests applied for using block registration by the group representative
→ Please ask the group representative to submit a request for issuance
of the Certificate of Result and Scores.

(5) If you would like to change the payment method for the issuance and
mailing fees, please start the application registration procedure for the
issuance of the certificate again from the beginning.

(6) Cancellation or refunds of the issuance and mailing fees will not be
accepted regardless of the reason once payment has been



If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ first. Should you continue to have questions, please contact the JLPT Application Center.

JLPT Application Center
TEL 03-6686-2974 FAX 03-6845-2544
9:30 – 17:30 (except Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays, year end and New Year’s holidays)
*Inquiries by email are not accepted.