MyJLPT登録上の注意 | JEES 日本語能力試験
Precautions when registering with MyJLPT | JEES Japanese Language Procifiency Test Home









3.パスワードとMyJLPT IDについて

(1)登録時とうろくじ設定せっていするパスワードと、登録とうろくしたあと発行はっこうされるMyJLPT IDは、登録者本人とうろくしゃほんにん管理かんりしてください。あつかいには十分注意じゅうぶんちゅういし、わすれないようにしてください。

(2)パスワードまたはMyJLPT IDをわすれた場合ばあいは、MyJLPTの「リマインド機能きのう」を利用りようしてください。日本語能力試験受付にほんごのうりょくしけんうけつけセンターや公益財団法人こうえきざいだんほうじん日本国際教育支援協会にほんこくさいきょういくしえんきょうかい以下いか、「ほん協会きょうかい」といいます。)にわせても、おしえることはできません。

(3)本協会ほんきょうかいでは、登録者本人とうろくしゃほんにんによるパスワードおよびMyJLPT IDのろうえい、違法利用いほうりようなどからしょうじた損害そんがいたいして責任せきにんいません。






(3)このURLをクリックすると、本登録ほんとうろく画面がめんひらきます。仮登録かりとうろく設定せっていしたパスワードを入力にゅうりょくしたら本登録ほんとうろく完了かんりょうします。本登録完了ほんとうろくかんりょうのおらせメールにMyJLPT IDがっています。











日本語能力試験にほんごのうりょくしけん 受付うけつけセンター
TEL 03-6686-2974 FAX 03-6845-2544
9:30~17:30 (にち祝日しゅくじつ年末年始ねんまつねんしのぞく)

Precautions when registering with MyJLPT

1. The following persons will not be able to use MyJLPT

In principle, registration with MyJLPT is for persons who are planning to apply to take the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (hereinafter referred to as “JLPT”) using the MyJLPT website.  Please note that the following persons will not be able to use MyJLPT.

・Persons who will be taking the JLPT in a country other than Japan (overseas)
・Persons to whom the test voucher will be sent to a country
other than Japan (overseas)

2. MyJLPT display language

Display of the website can be selected from either Japanese (with ruby annotation) or English.
The display language can be changed at any time.

3. Passwords and MyJLPT ID

(1) The password set during registration and the MyJLPT ID issued after
registration should be managed accordingly by the registered user.
Take care when handling this information and make sure not to forget
the information.

(2) If you have forgotten your password or MyJLPT ID, please use the
“Remind me” function from the MyJLPT site.  The JLPT Application
Center and Japane Educational Exchanges and Services (hereinafter
referred to as “JEES”) cannot provide this information to you.

(3) JEES accepts no responsibility for any damages incurred due to
leaks or illegal use of passwords and MyJLPT IDs by the registered

4. Interim registration and full registration

The MyJLPT registration process involves two steps, an interim registration and
full registration.  Once you have completed interim registration, please proceed
with full registration procedures.

(1) Follow the direction on the MyJLPT site to complete interim registration.

(2) An e-mail will be sent from JEES to the e-mail address registered during
interim registration. This e-mail contains the URL required for full registration.

(3) Click on the URL to open the full registration screen. Enter the password set during interim registration to complete the full registration.
Your MyJLPT ID is included in the full registration completion e-mail.

5. Applicants requiring special testing accommodations due to a disease / a personal injury / disabilities etc.

Applicants requiring special testing accommodations due to a disease / a personal injury / disabilities etc. should apply to take the JLPT from MyJLPT, and in addition, please call the JLPT Application Center and apply for the special testing accommodations by mail.

6. Other

(1) Please note that we may not be able to accept your registration if there is
an error in the name, address, phone number, or e-mail address provided
during registration.

(2) Even if you select “Not receive” for “Information mail” during registration,
JEES may send you e-mail if there are important announcements.

(3) If you have registered with MyJLPT but apply to take the test by mail
instead of using MyJLPT before 2019, you will not be able to view the test voucher
or test results for that test on MyJLPT, nor will you be able to apply to
have a Certificate of Result and Scores issued.

(4) JEES will continually review the site in order to improve the usability
and safety of MyJLPT.  If there are important changes, you will be
notified in an easy to understand manner.

If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ first. Should you continue to have questions, please contact the JLPT Application Center.

JLPT Application Center
TEL 03-6686-2974 FAX 03-6845-2544
9:30 – 17:30 (except Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays, year end and New Year’s holidays)
*Inquiries by e-mail are not accepted.