17-2受験票発送 | JEES 日本語能力試験
The test voucher for the second JLPT in 2017 (December) has been sent. | JEES Japanese Language Procifiency Test Home





※ 受験票じゅけんひょうとどいたら、11がつ17にちきん)までに顔写真かおじゃしん記入内容きにゅうないよう試験会場しけんかいじょう確認かくにんしてください。
※ 受験会場じゅけんかいじょう建物たてもの名前なまえ場所ばしょをよく確認かくにんしてください。
※ 応募おうぼ状況等じょうきょうとうにより、隣接都道府県りんせつとどうふけん受験会場じゅけんかいじょうになるなど、希望きぼうえない場合ばあいがあります。
※ 顔写真かおじゃしん問題もんだいがある場合ばあい別人べつじん写真しゃしんかお判別はんべつできない写真しゃしん)は、受付うけつけセンターにおわせください。

The test voucher for the second JLPT in 2017 (December) has been sent.

The test voucher for the second JLPT in 2017 (December) has been sent.

If your test voucher does not arrive until November 17 (Fri), please notify the Application Center on or after November 20 (Mon).

Those who applied via the Internet shall log into MyJLPT to verify.

Please check your test site by the test vouchers.

JLPT Application Center cannot answer each examinee’s test sites.

* When the test voucher has arrived, verify that your photo, personal details, and test site are correct by November 17 (Fri).
* Please check the name of building and the place of your test site.
* Please be aware that the test site different from the one you want such as one in a neighbor prefecture might be specified depending on the number of applications or other reasons.
* If there is any problem with your photo, such as a different person’s photo or a photo which is unable to identify the face, please notify the Application Center.
