FAQ 3. 受験申込みについて | JEES 日本語能力試験
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3. 受験申込じゅけんもうしこみについて

Q14 インターネットで受験じゅけんもうむことはできますか?



Q15 郵送ゆうそう受験じゅけんもうむことはできますか?

できません。インターネットでのもうみのみとなります。 2020ねんより郵送ゆうそう願書がんしょ)での申込もうしこみはありません。

Q16 2つのレベルを同日どうじつ受験じゅけんできますか?


Q17 海外かいがいからもうむことはできますか?


Q18 海外かいがいもうみましたが、日本にほん転勤てんきんになったので日本にほん受験じゅけんすることができますか? 反対はんたい日本にほんもうんで海外かいがい受験じゅけんすることはできますか?


Q19 受験申込じゅけんもうしこみをりやめたいのですが、受験料じゅけんりょう返金へんきんしてもらえますか?


Q20 受験地区じゅけんちくについておしえてください。






受験地区じゅけんちく1. (北海道ほっかいどう

受験地区じゅけんちく2. (青森県あおもりけん岩手県いわてけん宮城県みやぎけん秋田県あきたけん山形県やまがたけん福島県ふくしまけん

受験地区じゅけんちく3. (茨城県いばらきけん栃木県とちぎけん群馬県ぐんまけん埼玉県さいたまけん千葉県ちばけん東京都とうきょうと神奈川県かながわけん

受験地区じゅけんちく4. (新潟県にいがたけん山梨県やまなしけん長野県ながのけん

受験地区じゅけんちく5. (富山県とやまけん石川県いしかわけん福井県ふくいけん

受験地区じゅけんちく6. (岐阜県ぎふけん静岡県しずおかけん愛知県あいちけん三重県みえけん

受験地区じゅけんちく7. (滋賀県しがけん京都府きょうとふ大阪府おおさかふ兵庫県ひょうごけん奈良県ならけん和歌山県わかやまけん

受験地区じゅけんちく8. (鳥取県とっとりけん島根県しまねけん岡山県おかやまけん広島県ひろしまけん山口県やまぐちけん

受験地区じゅけんちく9. (徳島県とくしまけん香川県かがわけん愛媛県えひめけん高知県こうちけん

受験地区じゅけんちく10. (福岡県ふくおかけん佐賀県さがけん長崎県ながさきけん熊本県くまもとけん大分県おおいたけん宮崎県みやざきけん鹿児島県かごしまけん

受験地区じゅけんちく11. (沖縄県おきなわけん















Q21 受験申込じゅけんもうしこ受験じゅけんレベルや受験地区じゅけんちくえることはできますか?


Q22 申込もうしこ受付締切日うけつけしめきりびわなかったのですが、まだけてもらえますか?


Q23 だい1回試験かいしけん(7がつ)の受験申込じゅけんもうしこみを、だい2回試験かいしけん(12がつ)にえることはできますか?

できません。だい1回試験かいしけん受験じゅけんしてください。 申込もうしこみがけられたあとは、どんな理由りゆうがあっても受験料じゅけんりょう返金へんきんはできません。

Q24 だいかい試験しけん合否結果ごうひけっかてから、だいかい試験しけんもうむことはできますか?


Q25 だい回試験かいしけん合否結果通知ごうひけっかつうちまえに、だい回試験かいしけん申込もうしこみをしてしまいました。だいかい合格ごうかくしていたので、だい回試験かいしけんける必要ひつようがなくなったのですが、受験料じゅけんりょう返金へんきんしてもらえますか?


Q26 受験じゅけん申込もうしこみでけなければいけないことをおしえてください。


3. Application Procedure

Q14 Can I apply via the Internet?

Yes. First, please register with MyJLPT. Once you register, it is much simpler to go through your following application procedure. You can register My JLPT via the Internet anytime, anywhere.

*Application by smartphone or tablet is available (Note that block registration by group representative is excluded). Application is not available from mobile phones such as feature phones.

Q15 Can I apply by mail?

No. Application will be possible only via the Internet. Application by mail (application form) has been abolished since 2020.

Q16 Can I take two different levels of the JLPT on the same day?

No, you cannot take two different levels of the JLPT on the same day. You can only apply for one test level. If you are found to have applied the test in duplicate, you may not be qualified for the test.

Q17 May I apply from outside of Japan?

You can apply from outside of Japan, however, we accept the registered address located only in Japan.

Q18 I have applied to take the JLPT overseas but since I am relocating to Japan soon, may I sit it in Japan?
Conversely, is it possible to apply in Japan but sit the exam abroad?

No, it is not possible as the test fee varies from country to country due to different organizations being in charge of administering the JLPT in each country. Please make sure to submit an application by the deadline to the organization of the country where you’d like to take the test.

Q19 I would like to cancel my application for the JLPT. Will the test fee be refunded?

We do not refund your test fee once an application is made, even in the event that you do not sit the exam.

Q20 Can you tell me about test area?

Test areas are as follows.

* Please be aware that the test site different from the one you want such as one in a neighbor prefecture might be specified depending on the number of applications or other reasons.

* You may not specify prefectures or test sites within each Test Area. Even in the same Test Area, the test sites may be different depending on the test level or the sites condition.
* Even if you apply from the same address as for the previous test, the test sites may not be the same as the previous test.

Test Area 1. (Hokkaido),
Test Area 2. (Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima)
Test Area 3. (Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa)
Test Area 4. (Niigata, Yamanashi, Nagano)
Test Area 5. (Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui)
Test Area 6. (Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie)
Test Area 7. (Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama)
Test Area 8. (Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi)
Test Area 9. (Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi)
Test Area 10. (Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima)
Test Area 11. (Okinawa)

* For those applicants who wish to take the test in other than the area where
they live now:
those who select 1., will take the test in Hokkaido Prefecture <Sapporo> ,
those who select 2., will take the test in Miyagi Prefecture
those who select 3., will take the test in Tokyo Metropolitan Area,
those who select 4., will take the test in Niigata Prefecture,
those who select 5., will take the test in Ishikawa Prefecture,
those who select 6.,will take the test in Aichi Prefecture,
those who select 7., will take the test in Osaka ,
those who select 8., will take the test in Okayama Prefecture,
those who select 9., will take the test in Kagawa Prefecture and
those who select 10., will take the test in Fukuoka Prefecture.


Q21 May I change the test level and test area which I applied for after the application procedure is completed?

You can change the level of the JLPT and test area within the application period. However, you cannot change the test level and test area once the deadline has passed, no matter what reason may be.

Q22 I couldn’t meet the deadline for the application. Will it still be accepted?

No, we are unable to accept applications, for whatever reason once the deadline has passed.

Q23 Is it possible to carry forward the test application I made for the first JLPT in July to the second exam in December?

No, it is not possible. You should take the first JLPT in July. We do not refund test fee for whatever reasons once application is made.

Q24 Following the result of the first JLPT may I apply for the second JLPT?

Yes, you can. The test result of the first JLPT will be available on MyJLPT from the end of August. The deadline for an application for the second JLPT will be at early September.

Q25 I have applied for the second JLPT before the results of the first JLPT arrived. As I have successfully passed
it, there is no need for me to take the second JLPT in December. Am I able to receive a refund of test fee?

No, we do not refund test fee for whatever reasons once application is made.

Q26 Please tell me what I should be careful about when applying for the test.

Please check Precautions when applying to take Japanese-Language Proficiency Test.
