FAQ 6. 試験当日について | JEES 日本語能力試験
6. The Day of the Test | JEES Japanese Language Procifiency Test Home

6. 試験当日しけんとうじつについて

Q34 都合つごうわるくなり、試験しけん欠席けっせきしたいです。どうすればよいですか?


Q35 当日とうじつ試験会場しけんかいじょうくるまってもいいですか?

試験会場しけんかいじょうへはくるま・オートバイ・自転車じてんしゃないでください。会場かいじょうへは電車でんしゃ・バスとう公共交通機関こうきょうこうつうきかん使つかっててください。 試験会場しけんかいじょう駐車場ちゅうしゃじょうや 試験会場周辺しけんかいじょうしゅうへん無料駐車場むりょうちゅうしゃじょう駐輪場ちゅうりんじょう使用しようできません。


Q36 集合時間しゅうごうじかん何時なんじですか?


Q37 遅刻ちこくをしたらどうなりますか?

●N3・N4・N5: 1510ぷんまで

Q38 ボールペンで解答かいとうしてもいいですか?


Q39 インフルエンザにかかってしまいました。どうすればいいですか?


Q40 会場かいじょうわすものをしてしまいました。どうすればいいですか?


6. The Day of the Test

Q34 I have made an application to the JLPT but now I cannot take it. What should I do?

There is no need for you to contact us for your absence on the test day. However, once application is made, we do not refund already paid test fee.

Q35 On the day of the test, can I go to the test site by car?

Do not arrive at your test site by car, motorcycle or bicycle. Use public transportation(train, bus, etc.) to come to the test site.

You are not allowed to use the parking space of the test sites or free parking spaces or bicycle parking spaces around the test sites.


If a disturbance is caused at or near the test site due to drop off / pick up buses or cars, and/or illegal parking, the applicants may not be allowed to take the test. (Test fees will not be refused in this case.) The test site does not provide parking information.

Q36 What is the assembly time?

●N1・N2:Please enter the test room between 8:30 and 9:10. You cannot enter the test room before 8:30.
●N3・N4・N5:Please enter the test room between 14:30 and 15:10. You cannot enter the test room before 14:30.

Q37 What happens if I am late?

Please be sure to enter the test room by the time specified for each test level.
●N1・N2 : by 9:10
●N3・N4・N5: by 15:10
If you do not enter the test room by the time specified for each test level, you will not be able to take the first test section. You will be able to take the following test sections, but they will not be graded, and you will not pass. In addition, you will not be allowed to enter the test room once test hours have begun for any test section.

Q38 May I use a ball-point pen to write answers?

No, you may not. Answers written by ball-point pens will not be scored. Please use a black HB-graded pencil or mechanical pencil.

Q39  I have influenza. What should I do ?

Whether you are diagnosed or not yet diagnosed by a doctor but suspected of influenza and other infectious diseases stated in the Regulations on the School Health and Safety. Act,

Article 18,

please refrain from taking the test. There is no need to report to us. Please note that there will be no test fee refund or reexamination.

Q40  I forgot something at the test site. What should I do ?

Please contact JLPT Application Center. We will check if your lost items have arrived from the test site.
Please refrain from contacting the test site.
When we return the lost item to you, we will send it by cash on delivery.
