2. Test Papers
Q10 How many levels are there in the JLPT? How do these levels correspond to the Japanese school system?
There are 5 levels N1-N5 in the JLPT. Level N1 is the most difficult and level N5 is the easiest. As the JLPT Summary of Linguistic Competence Required for Each Level is different from the National Study Curriculum for native Japanese students, we cannot compare. This is because studying Japanese as one’s native language and as a foreign language requires different approach.
Q11 What is the “Chokai” (listening) test?
“Chokai” is a listening test. You will be listening to conversations or other sound materials and answer questions based on them.
Q12 Can you tell me how to study for the JLPT and can you recommend any study materials?
Although we do not recommend particular study methods or materials, we suggest trying to answer the JLPT sample questions. Please see JLPT website or please refer to the following guidebooks and exercise book for JLPT.
[Name and Price of the books]
① ATARASHII NIHONGO NOURYOKU SHIKEN MONDAIREI SHUU (New Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Sample Questions)
for N1-N3 level version (900 yen + tax) / N4-N5 level version (800 yen + tax).
② JLPT Official Practice Workbook N1 / N2 / N3 / N4 / N5 (700 yen + tax, respectively) (published 2012)
③ JLPT Official Practice Workbook Vol.2 N1 / N2 / N3 / N4 / N5 (700 yen + tax, respectively) (published 2018)
The above books should be available at major bookstores such as Kinokuniya, Maruzen, Junkudo, Asahiya or Sanseido etc. If you cannot find it, please contact the publisher BONJINSYA (tel. 03-3263-3959). As for other study materials, please consult the Japanese language section of bookstores.
Q13 Can you refer me to a school where I can study for the JLPT?
We do not recommend particular schools. If you would like to know which schools you may go, please contact: The Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education (tel.03-5304-7815).