5. Test Voucher
Q32 My name or date of birth on the test voucher is incorrect. Can they be corrected?
●When you receive the test voucher, please open immediately and verify it.
●If the name described on the test voucher is incorrect, the name imprinted on the answer sheet of the test date is incorrect as well, however, please take the test as is. Changes will not be accepted at the test site.
●From the next day the test is held through the designated day, please make the necessary corrections to a photocopy of your test voucher and send it with a photocopy of photo ID and request form for JLPT Test Voucher Data Correction by mail to the Application Center. The correction by phone or FAX is not accepted.
●The spelling of your name and your date of birth of the Test Result, Certificate of Japanese-Language Proficiency, and Certificate of Result and Scores will be correct after the procedure is held at the Application Center. A fee of 1,000 yen is necessary for correction after this period.The spelling of your name and your date of birth of the Test Result and Certificate of Japanese-Language Proficiency will remain incorrect as well.
◆Your name may not be altered completely. Name correction allowed shall be about one or two characters only.
◆It is not possible to change both name and date of birth.
*”Request form for JLPT Test Voucher Data Correction” can be downloaded here.
Mailing address : 〒100-0003
東京都千代田区一ツ橋1-1-1 パレスサイドビル6階東コア
日本語能力試験 受付センター 行
Q33 Can I change the level or test site on my test voucher?
You cannot change your level, registration no., test site, or test room.